
why won't my oculus charge

If you lot're having problems charging your Oculus Quest 2, this article is going to help you lot work out what the problem is, and get your VR headset working once again. There are a number of common bug that tin result in your Quest 2 not charging, and many of them have simple solutions, so hopefully, you will be enjoying VR again in no time.

If your Quest 2 isn't charging, check all the connections, make certain your headset isn't excessively hot, check the charging indicator light, and make sure you lot are using a compatible charger. Practise a full restart of your headset if possible, and consider doing a mill reset if nothing else works.

What To Do If Your Meta/Oculus Quest 2 Isn't Charging

If your Quest 2 isn't charging, there are a few things that you can do that will fix well-nigh of the common problems. The get-go part of this article covers the superlative 9 solutions that will fix the vast majority of charging issues. After this, I cover a lot of the common questions regarding Quest 2 charging bug.

Check All Connections

If you've plugged your Oculus Quest 2 into the charger and don't see any charging light or signs that information technology is charging, the first thing to do is cheque for whatsoever loose connexion that could be preventing the charger from working. Ensure the charger is securely in the power outlet and that the USB cable is firmly inserted into both the charger and your Quest 2.

You should unplug everything and reconnect them to ensure the connections are secure. Although USB-C connectors are reversible, it is a good idea to try them both ways around in instance in that location is a faulty connection. Look for the charging low-cal on the side of your Quest ii to see if it lights upwards.

Check The LED Light On Your Quest 2

Oculus Quest 2 Charging light
Check the charging light on your Quest ii when it is plugged into the charger.

The LED light on the side of the Quest ii is the most important indicator of charging condition, so observe this lite as you plug your charger in. When your Quest 2 is attached to a charger, the LED light on the side of the unit will practice 1 of four things.

LED Color Significant
Green The Quest 2 battery is fully charged
Orange The Quest 2 battery is charging
Red The Quest 2 bombardment is low (below 10%
No light Your Quest 2 battery is not charging

It can likewise be helpful to discover the charging light closely when you plug the charging cable into your Quest ii, to see if it comes on intermittently. If the light flickers on for a second or ii, it may indicate a faulty cablevision or poor connexion. Try moving the cable well-nigh to see if this makes the charging light come up on, and effort unplugging and reinserting the cables to run into if this helps.

If information technology seems to be taking a long time for your Quest two to charge, bear in listen that the Quest 2 takes about 2.5 hours to charge from zilch to fully charged.

Oculus Quest 2 not charging battery indicator
Through the lens photograph of the battery and charging indicator on Oculus Quest ii.

If your Quest two is stuck with an orange light for a long time, you can check to come across if the corporeality of charge is increasing in a number of ways:

  • Put your Quest ii on while it is switched off and plugged into the charger. Tap on the power push button and you should run across a power indicator appear on the screen indicating the charging condition and electric current level of charge.
  • If your Quest two has some charge, turn information technology on and open up the quick settings menu. Hover over the ability icon in the top left of the screen and you will see a display of how much accuse your Quest 2 has, along with the charging status.
  • Open the Oculus app on your phone and go to the device section, where yous will be able to run across the accuse percentage. You will be able to see if this is rising over fourth dimension.
Battery and charging indicator for Oculus Quest 2 quick settings menu
Check the charging status of your Quest 2 in the quick settings menu

Check The Temperature Of Your Headset

Your Oculus Quest 2 will non charge if the headset or the surrounding air temperature is excessively hot. If your headset feels hot, turn it off and let information technology absurd earlier attempting to charge information technology again.

The operating temperature of the Quest ii should be between 0-40°C / 32-104°F, and exceeding these temperatures can effect in the headset or battery failing to function correctly. Your Quest two has an internal temperature sensor and the battery will non charge if it exceeds a prophylactic maximum temperature.

If your headset gets very hot when charging, end and turn it off completely. Bank check the headset and charger for any signs of impairment, and allow it cool downwards earlier attempting to accuse your headset again.

Check The USB Cable For Damage

One of the most common reasons for the Oculus Quest 2 not charging is if the USB-C charging cablevision has been damaged. Check for any signs of damage to the USB-C cable, and if yous think there is a chance it may be damaged, endeavor using a unlike cable.

A damaged cable may likewise cause your Quest 2 to simply charge intermittently, and charging may stop and get-go depending on the position of the cablevision. Try gently moving the cable and so it comes out of the charger equally directly every bit possible and meet if this causes the charging low-cal to plow on. If so, the cable is probably damaged and you should replace it.

Try Turning Your Quest 2 Off And On Over again

Equally with every electronic product, sometimes the best solution is to turn it off and on again. The Quest 2 is no different and there have been multiple reports of headsets refusing to charge, just for this to be stock-still by restarting the headset.

Use the power push button on the right side of your Quest 2 to plough it off. Don't just put it into sleep mode. Make sure you exercise a full restart by doing the following:

  • Put your headset on and printing the ability button for a few seconds until you see a shutdown menu on the screen.
  • Select the Ability Off option
  • Alternatively, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to turn your headset off completely.
Restart your headset if Oculus Quest 2 not charging
Turn your Quest two off completely and then restart information technology

Before restarting your headset, try charging your headset while information technology is off. If this works, await until your headset is fully charged before turning it on over again. If this doesn't work, turn your headset on again and endeavor charging after it has restarted.

Check The Quest 2 Charger

Whilst there are many compatible USB-C chargers suitable for charging your Quest 2, Meta recommends using the official Quest 2 charger where possible, particularly if you are having charging difficulties.

If you are using an older USB charger, it may not accept fast-charge capabilities, and this may atomic number 82 to your Quest 2 taking a lot longer to charge than the officially stated charge time of well-nigh 2.five hours. In addition, I've heard multiple reports of people being unable to accuse their Quest 2 using older USB-C chargers.

If yous are using a compatible USB-C charger, the charge fourth dimension volition depend on the rated ability output of the charger yous are using. The official charger has a power output of 10W, so if the charger yous are using has a much lower power output, your Quest ii will take a lot longer to charge.

Make clean The Charging Port

This is a more common issue with telephone chargers, simply sometimes debris gets stuck in the charging port or charging connector, preventing the charger from making a connection. This volition result in no charging lite when yous plug your Quest two into the charger.

Look closely into the charging port and USB-C connector to wait for anything that might block a good connectedness. Consider using a bright light to get a improve look into the charging port. I have previously used the end of a newspaper clip with expert success to get stray debris out of charging ports. Please, be very gentle when doing this, as the last matter you lot want to do is crusade damage to the charging port.

If yous retrieve it is the USB-C cable connector that is blocked, you exercise also have the option of using a different USB-C cablevision.

Effort A Different Power Outlet

If y'all even so have issues with your Oculus Quest 2 non charging and you have tried the options already discussed, y'all should try using a different ability outlet, just in example the one you are using is faulty. This is well worth trying, particularly if you've been trying to accuse your Quest 2 using a ability outlet that you lot don't normally use.

I know there is one ability outlet in my house that doesn't work, and I don't think information technology's ever worked. Thankfully, I know in advance to avert this ane.

Factory Reset

Although this will wipe all the data from your Quest 2, doing a factory reset can set up some issues that result in the Oculus Quest two not charging. Although you will lose your information by doing this, all your purchases and software are stored on your business relationship, rather than the headset, and so tin can be restored fairly hands. Screenshots and other files that are only on the headset will exist lost.

Earlier you do a factory reset, endeavor holding the power push for about 30 seconds, then try plugging it in again to accuse. If the charging light comes on, or you see a battery icon on the screen, leave your Quest two for at least 30 minutes to encounter if the battery indicator increases or the light changes from red to orange.

If this doesn't aid, yous can do a manufacturing plant reset of your Meta/Oculus Quest two by doing the following:

  1. Printing the power and volume down buttons on your Oculus Quest 2 until it loads a USB update mode carte.
  2. Utilise the volume up and down keys to navigate this menu and the ability button to make a selection.
  3. Highlight the Manufacturing plant reset choice and and so click the ability push to select it.
  4. Highlight "Yes, erase and factory reset", so press the power button to reset your Quest two.
  5. Afterward the factory reset, endeavor plugging your charger in to see if your Quest two starts charging.
  6. If this is successful and your Quest 2 charges fully, you will have to perform the initial setup and download all of your games again.
Factory reset if Oculus Quest 2 not charging
Factory reset your Quest 2 from the USB update menu

An alternative mode to do a manufactory reset on your Meta Quest 2 is to use the telephone app.

  • Select the menu icon in the bottom right of the screen.
  • Click on the "Devices" icon.
  • Select your Quest 2 from the drop-downwards list.
  • Select "Advanced Settings".
  • Select "Factory Reset".
  • Select "Reset" to practise a factory reset on your Quest 2.
Factory reset via phone app if Oculus Quest 2 not charging
Do A Factory reset of your Quest 2 using the phone app.

If yous have trouble with turning your Meta Quest 2 or Meta Quest back on after performing a mill reset, hold down the power button for 30 seconds and it should load as normal.

Quest 2 Charging Tips

There are a few things that will assistance preserve the wellness and longevity of the battery of your Quest 2 and avert likewise many situations where you're greeted by a depression battery when you want to play some VR games.

Turn Your Quest ii Off Fully When Not Using Information technology

In that location are a few situations where you lot may remember your Oculus Quest 2 hasn't charged, when in fact it is only that the battery has drained quicker than expected in between play sessions.

The battery will drain much quicker in sleep mode than if you plow your headset off completely. Sleep mode is activated past borer the power button, causing the screen to turn off. The headset will wake from slumber again equally soon as you put your headset on.

Whilst very convenient, slumber manner uses more than power than turning your headset off completely, and tin can also result in "auto-wake" existence activated, causing your headset to turn on unexpectedly if something comes close to your headset while not in use.

Get into the habit of holding downwards the ability button at the end of a play session and selecting the ability off pick to conserve battery life and reduce the risk that yous will return to your Quest two with a drained battery.

Turn Off Car Wake

disable auto wake on Oculus Quest 2 to preserve battery life
Turn off "headset auto-wake" in the system settings bill of fare of your Quest 2

The "auto wake" feature is actually handy every bit your Quest 2 will come out of sleep mode immediately when you put the headset on, just it can be triggered quite easily, resulting in excessive bombardment drain.

If you lot are having issues with the bombardment draining rapidly in between play sessions, yous should turn off the "motorcar-wake" feature. This tin be washed by doing the following:

  • Get to the "Settings" menu on your headset.
  • Select "Arrangement" and so "Power"
  • Click on the slider next to "headset auto-wake" to plow off this feature.

You can also plough this off by going to the "Power" settings on your Oculus app on your telephone.

Quest two Non Charging: Oft Asked Questions

How Do I Know If My Oculus Quest two Is Charging?

At that place are iv ways to check if your Meta/Oculus Quest 2 is charging:

  • Check for a charging light on the correct side of your headset.
  • Tap the ability push while you have the headset on and the charger attached. A battery indicator should announced on the screen.
  • If your Quest ii is on, go to the quick settings menu and hover over the battery icon in the top left of the screen to run into the charging status.
  • Check the device department of the Oculus app on your phone with your Quest 2 turned on. You will see a bombardment level indicator that will increase over time if the device is charging.
Meta Oculus Quest 2 battery indicator on phone app
Check the battery level of your Quest 2 via the telephone app.

How Long Does It Have For A Expressionless Oculus Quest 2 To Charge?

It will take approximately ii.5 hours for your Oculus Quest ii to charge from 0% battery to 100% if you are using the official charger. The official charger has a ability output of x watts, then if you are using a charger with a lower output, it will take longer.

Why Is The Quest two Not Staying Charged When Using The Link Cable

Although your Quest ii volition receive some accuse through the USB connexion, the power drain from the headset volition exceed the charging charge per unit, and your headset volition drain slowly over fourth dimension. Using the link cable will effect in the bombardment lasting longer before it runs out.

How Do You lot Gear up Oculus Quest 2 That Won't Plow On?

If your Oculus Quest 2 is not charging, try plugging the charger into your headset to see if the charging light appears. If it does, leave your headset for at least 30 minutes before attempting to switch it on. If no charging calorie-free appears when you connect the charger, try belongings the power push button for about thirty seconds, then plug information technology in again to charge.

If this does non work, become to the tiptop of this article and work through each of the steps to gear up the virtually common reasons for Quest 2 not charging.

Oculus Quest 2 Flashing Cherry-red Low-cal When Charging

If you encounter a flashing red light when you plug your Quest ii into the charger, this ways the battery was empty, or very nearly empty earlier the charging cablevision was plugged in. Leave your Quest 2 plugged into the charger and the low-cal should change to solid red, then orangish, and finally to greenish subsequently virtually 2-3 hours, indicating that the battery is fully charged.

Why Is My Oculus Quest 2 Not Fully Charging?

If your Quest 2 won't accuse 100% no matter how long you plug it in, at that place are a number of things you lot can do to fix or get effectually the consequence.

Outset, try turning the headset off completely and see if information technology will exercise a full accuse in ability-off mode. Then turn your headset on again and see if the trouble has been fixed.

If this doesn't piece of work, the other choice is to enter USB update mode past pressing and holding the book down cardinal and power button with the headset off. Charging your headset in this mode has worked for a number of people.

If neither of these options works, doing a factory reset is the side by side best option to gear up this problem. If your headset withal won't accuse to 100% after this, you should contact Oculus back up.

Oculus Quest 2 Charger Specs

Here is a picture of my Oculus charger with a Great britain plug on it. Your charger may exist different depending on what country you purchased your Meta/Oculus Quest 2 in. You can see the rated output of the charger is 10W.

Oculus Quest 2 charger specifications
Oculus Quest ii charger specifications

Oculus Quest ii Bombardment Specs

The Oculus Quest two uses a rechargeable lithium bombardment with a rated chapters of three,640 mAh and a 14-watt-hr rating. This single-cell battery weighs approximately 63 grams and has a nominal voltage of 3.85 volts.


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